The plastic insulation of wires can be used for numerous purposes. It is one of the best ways to recycle the plastic insulation on the copper wire for further use. You can also earn by selling plastic insulation as there are a lot of manufacturers or companies who want to use low-cost material. The copper wire is known to be the king of other wires. This is because the use of exposed bare copper wire is much useful than the covered, plastic insulation wire. That is why the copper wire is stripped so that it can be made more useful and efficient enough to be sold rapidly in the market.
Due to this money earning benefits, the copper wire is stripped in several technical ways, ensuring that the wire is not destroyed or affected while scrapping it. The most common method of stripping the wire is much familiar to us now. This method is simply using the wire cutters to pull off the plastic insulation. But you need to make sure that you do not cut the wire, otherwise, the wire will become useless to be used further. There are other methods of stripping the copper wire as well. These technical methods are as follows:
1. Common Wire Cutters:
The wire cutters are those tools which are especially designed to strip the plastic insulation of the copper wire. This can also cut the wire if needed. This is a very simple method in which you need to hold the wire in one and the cutter in the other. Simply close the head of the cutter on the wire and make sure you leave one-inch distance from the end. Just cut the plastic insulation from the top and smoothly pull it along without applying any force. Continue doing this until you reach the end and remove the insulation completely.
Make sure that you adjust the cutter and lock it so that it cuts only the required piece. You just need to be extra careful while doing this so that you do not make a deep cut which might destroy the wire.
2. Burning of the Insulation:
You can also burn the plastic insulation by exposing it to little fire. This would result in melting the plastic gradually. You can continue doing this until and unless the entire plastic is burnt. Make sure you do it on a Bunsen burner so that the wire it exposed with little heat. This is a dangerous process too. It can even catch fire which might increase. Perform this process on low flame so that the wire is not burnt as well. Do not forget to wear heat insulation gloves and tong to hold the wire. The wire might become extremely hot to hold.
3. Removing the Insulation with a Knife:
This method is for beginners. They can use a sharp knife to scrape the plastic insulation of the copper wire. Make sure that the knife is trustworthy. It should not be blunt or too sharp to make cuts. To avoid accidents while stripping the insulation with a knife, make sure you have a good grip when you hold the handle of the knife. It should not slip from your hands and result in giving deep cuts on your skin. The remains of the plastic insulation can be sold to other companies at a lower cost or recycled to further uses.
4. Using a Manual Stripping Machine:
Those who want to make their wire business a success agree with the idea of stripping the copper wire insulation and selling it further. They earn and generate revenue from the remains of the plastic insulation as well. These companies buy manual stripping machines. The vendors are also taking advantage of this by providing these machines at a greater price but in low quality. There are issues related to quick rusting of the machines, improper working of the machine jams and unevenly cutting the insulation. That is why it is difficult to search for a manual machine which cuts the wire efficiently and has a good life span. These machines also make the stripping process slow.
5. Removing the Insulation with a Hammer:
The plastic insulation can be removed by hitting the hammer hard on the wire. There is a special position in which you need to place the hammer and the wire so that it hits right on the target. You need to keep repeating the process until and unless the plastic breaks and the insulation come off. This method consumes a lot of time and there are chances that the wire can get damaged. Even at times, the insulation is not completely stripped off and there are remains left on the wire.
6. Using Electric Stripping Device:
You can also purchase an electric wire stripping tool. This is going to be a good investment as well if you are dealing with wires in a bulk quantity. It is a motor wire stripper which scraps the plastic insulation from the wire completely. This is process is time-saving and the most convenient method to evenly remove the insulation of the wire. You do not need to put in any physical effort and the insulation is removed in good solid pieces which can be easily recycled or sold to other vendors or companies.
Different Prices of Wire Stripping Tools:
All these above-mentioned tools come at different prices as well. Some are expensive, especially the electric wire stripping tool. It is the most expensive method of stripping the wire. But this method is only suitable if you have these wires in bulk quantity to be scrapped or if you want to generate revenue from the remains of the insulation. This machine can be purchased with an investment point of view. Other tools are mostly manual, and that is why they are not extremely expensive. They produce a low result and there are chances of the copper wire to get destroyed due to a slight mistake.