
How to Easily Strip Cables

To strip a copper wire of its insulation is one thing.
But to do the same thing to a cable is a completely different story.

The reason for this has to do with the way it is constructed.
To start off, the construction and basic principles for wires and cables are the same.
They both contain a conductive material inside, typically copper and sometimes an alloy, for the transmission of electric charge.
On the outside, they have one or sometimes multiple layers of insulation for protecting the conductive layer as well as preventing people from getting electric shocks on accidental contact.
The real difference has to do with the thickness of the wires and the cables; i.e. the thickness of both the cables as well as the wires. While normal wires have a very thin layer of wiring as well as insulation, cables tend to be much thicker.
This thickness can be a real problem to deal with, since those methods used for removing the insulation layers for wires cannot be used for cabling. 

The above leaves us with the question, which is about how to effectively remove the insulating layers around the cabling wires.
Given in the steps below are details on how to easily strip cables of their insulation.
1. Knives & Other Such Tools
Using a knife to remove the insulation around copper wiring is often not possible.
This is because the thickness of the wires simply do not allow for such a thing. Given their thickness, it is very likely that in addition to the insulation being removed, the same could happen to the wires themselves, with the copper wiring getting cut in the process.
It is for this reason that most people prefer to use a cutting pliers rather than knives. In addition to this reason, there is also another concern, which is that of safety and security; using knives to remove insulation is not really a safe option.
At the same time however, using them for removing insulation from cabling is a good idea. Given the thickness of the wires, it is very unlikely that they will get damaged during the process of stripping them. There is still the issue of safety, but is something that can be dealt with by taking some basic and necessary precautions.
Alternatively, one may use other kinds of cutting tools, such as blades, box cutters, etc, which provide the same degree of functionality as a normal knife.

2. Specialized Cutting Pliers
It is not always necessary to go for knives.
On the contrary, you can use cutting pliers as well. About the only thing to note here, is that they are the specialized kind of cutting pliers, often titled as ‘heavy duty’.
These are the kinds of knives that are designed to handle higher degree of workloads, stress and operational issues, making them likely choices for stripping wires.
One of the things to be noted while using these specialized cutting pliers is that they will be a bit tougher to use than regular pliers. Depending on the thickness of the cables and the material used for their insulation, one will have to use different degrees of pressure and force, to cut through the insulation to strip the wires.

The next option worth considering, would be the use of wire-stripping machinery, which comes in one of two types; manual and automatic.
The way that these machines work, is fairly simple. Although the exact mechanism may vary, the basic idea is the same. The wires to be stripped are fed into the machine, which then processes the same, removes all of the existing insulation in the desired area, and releases the wires.
Also, the machinery, depending on the design and function, allows for the stripping function to be carried out in bulk, thereby permitting for a high degree of productivity.
In the case of bulk stripping machines, it is a good idea to go for automatic ones rather than manual, given the degree of effort required to achieve the same result.
In addition to this, it should be noted that the machinery used for stripping cables is usually far more expensive than the ones used for stripping wires, due to the higher degree of complexity and design specifications involved.
The exact nature of the operations used in the machinery will certainly vary. These are something which will require attention to be paid as well. Of the many concerns involved, one of the most important is that of the material used for the insulation, which determines the machine most ideally suited for the job. Quite often, the same companies that manufacture the cables also provide the machines for stripping them; which can prove to be handy as one need not spend much time searching for the ideal machinery. Then again, they may have ties with other companies, or at least references, to help you connect with someone who can get the job done.

4. Hammers
This is one of the more crude ways in which insulating layers around a wire can be removed.
By striking a hammer at the insulating layers around a cable, it is very easy to remove them.
There are just two limitations that are to be noted here. For one, it cannot be used on a large scale, given that it is a rather slow method. The second is that it is entirely possible that with the ‘wrong’ amount of force, one may just end up damaging the wire along with the insulation.
Another limitation, which is not always the case, is that in many cases, toughened insulation made using metallic fibers, may not be easily removed by striking them. These are often found in those cabling which are used in tough environment, where the main wires are covered by metallic fibers, typically made of steel or other alloys, wound around them.

To sum it all up, the above list of steps explains in clear detail the way in which cables can be effectively stripped of their insulation.
Depending on the nature of the wire, insulating material, installation requirements and other factors, a few other steps may also be involved. But the ones mentioned above happen to be the most important ones around.


What Are The Best Ways To Strip A Copper Wire?

The plastic insulation of wires can be used for numerous purposes. It is one of the best ways to recycle the plastic insulation on the copper wire for further use. You can also earn by selling plastic insulation as there are a lot of manufacturers or companies who want to use low-cost material. The copper wire is known to be the king of other wires. This is because the use of exposed bare copper wire is much useful than the covered, plastic insulation wire. That is why the copper wire is stripped so that it can be made more useful and efficient enough to be sold rapidly in the market.
Due to this money earning benefits, the copper wire is stripped in several technical ways, ensuring that the wire is not destroyed or affected while scrapping it. The most common method of stripping the wire is much familiar to us now. This method is simply using the wire cutters to pull off the plastic insulation. But you need to make sure that you do not cut the wire, otherwise, the wire will become useless to be used further. There are other methods of stripping the copper wire as well. These technical methods are as follows:

1.   Common Wire Cutters:
The wire cutters are those tools which are especially designed to strip the plastic insulation of the copper wire. This can also cut the wire if needed. This is a very simple method in which you need to hold the wire in one and the cutter in the other. Simply close the head of the cutter on the wire and make sure you leave one-inch distance from the end. Just cut the plastic insulation from the top and smoothly pull it along without applying any force. Continue doing this until you reach the end and remove the insulation completely.
Make sure that you adjust the cutter and lock it so that it cuts only the required piece. You just need to be extra careful while doing this so that you do not make a deep cut which might destroy the wire.
2.   Burning of the Insulation:
You can also burn the plastic insulation by exposing it to little fire. This would result in melting the plastic gradually. You can continue doing this until and unless the entire plastic is burnt. Make sure you do it on a Bunsen burner so that the wire it exposed with little heat. This is a dangerous process too. It can even catch fire which might increase. Perform this process on low flame so that the wire is not burnt as well. Do not forget to wear heat insulation gloves and tong to hold the wire. The wire might become extremely hot to hold.
3.   Removing the Insulation with a Knife:
This method is for beginners. They can use a sharp knife to scrape the plastic insulation of the copper wire. Make sure that the knife is trustworthy. It should not be blunt or too sharp to make cuts. To avoid accidents while stripping the insulation with a knife, make sure you have a good grip when you hold the handle of the knife. It should not slip from your hands and result in giving deep cuts on your skin. The remains of the plastic insulation can be sold to other companies at a lower cost or recycled to further uses.
4.   Using a Manual Stripping Machine:
Those who want to make their wire business a success agree with the idea of stripping the copper wire insulation and selling it further. They earn and generate revenue from the remains of the plastic insulation as well. These companies buy manual stripping machines. The vendors are also taking advantage of this by providing these machines at a greater price but in low quality. There are issues related to quick rusting of the machines, improper working of the machine jams and unevenly cutting the insulation. That is why it is difficult to search for a manual machine which cuts the wire efficiently and has a good life span. These machines also make the stripping process slow.
5.   Removing the Insulation with a Hammer:
The plastic insulation can be removed by hitting the hammer hard on the wire. There is a special position in which you need to place the hammer and the wire so that it hits right on the target. You need to keep repeating the process until and unless the plastic breaks and the insulation come off. This method consumes a lot of time and there are chances that the wire can get damaged. Even at times, the insulation is not completely stripped off and there are remains left on the wire.
6.   Using Electric Stripping Device:
You can also purchase an electric wire stripping tool. This is going to be a good investment as well if you are dealing with wires in a bulk quantity. It is a motor wire stripper which scraps the plastic insulation from the wire completely. This is process is time-saving and the most convenient method to evenly remove the insulation of the wire. You do not need to put in any physical effort and the insulation is removed in good solid pieces which can be easily recycled or sold to other vendors or companies.

Different Prices of Wire Stripping Tools:
All these above-mentioned tools come at different prices as well. Some are expensive, especially the electric wire stripping tool. It is the most expensive method of stripping the wire. But this method is only suitable if you have these wires in bulk quantity to be scrapped or if you want to generate revenue from the remains of the insulation. This machine can be purchased with an investment point of view. Other tools are mostly manual, and that is why they are not extremely expensive. They produce a low result and there are chances of the copper wire to get destroyed due to a slight mistake.

The Best-Selling Wire Stripping Machine in the Wire Harness Industry

It is very important to know the best wire stripping machine and to use that machine to make the work more efficient and produce more and more. That is why it is extremely necessary to keep yourself updated. The rapid technological advancements in wire-stripping machinery may lead to an increase in the speed of work and strips or cut the wire in less time. That is why it important to know about the best-selling wire stripping machines which are recommended by the users had had a high rating and ranking scale. It is, therefore, crucial to look for the recommendations and comments which become helpful in choosing or purchasing the machine.

So if you have an interest in working with electrical devices then you should invest in some of the amazing wire stripping machines for efficient performance and results. There are some remarkable and best wire stripping tools which professionally cut or scrape the plastic insulator of the copper wire of different sizes of thickness. They save a lot of time and effort which you need to put in when you manually strip the copper wire. To get the best reasonable wire stripper you should know the upgraded features about all the machines and how those features might be helpful for your type of job. Let's discuss some of the best-selling wire stripping machines which will make it easy for you to choose the best one.

Some Best-Selling Wire Stripping Machines:
These best-selling wire stripping machines are ranked and rated according to their level of performance and user-friendliness. The users might have recommended these machines or commented positively. Therefore, these copper wire strippers are known to be the best-sellers by the users and the manufacturers. Some of these machines are as follows:

1.   StripMeister Wire Stripping Machine:
StripMeister is rated and ranked to be the number one wire stripping machine. The StripMeister is an automatic electronic device with provided convenience and ease of use for stripping the thick copper wires as well. This is an industrial-grade machine which is manufactured to strip different thickness of wire insulators. The StripMeister has a built-in ROMEX installed which makes it fully automated. This feature enables to strip the plastic insulator of the thick wires in several minutes. Its level of efficiency and convenience makes it the number one wire stripping machine.
2.   The Manual Stripping Machine:
Surprisingly this copper wire stripper is a manual machine which works so efficiently and fast that it has been rated as the second best-selling machine. There is an independent output limiter which separates the copper wire and the jacket. This is done by pulling the wire in a single stroke only. There is an input guide as well in the manual wire stripper which perfectly straightens and aligns the copper wire before entering it into the machine and starting with the stripping procedure. Once the wire is straight it efficiently strips the insulator from the wire saving time. The machine is also equipped with an EZ wire cutter. This cutter is used to extract the exposed copper swiftly from the insulator.
3.   Scrap SDT WRA15:
This is also one of the fully automated copper wire stripping machines. It is one of the expensive machines which provides with the most efficient and remarkable results. It might be unaffordable for many but is the best machine to be purchased for an investment point of view. It has upgraded features as well which includes a premium aluminum construction which eases down the hustle caused at work stations. This is because this machine can be easily placed on the top of the desk. The SDT WRA15 copper stripping machine can be linked to a drill machine to ensure the automatic stripping the wire. This will help in handling the machine with ease and the entire work to be completed on time.
4.   Handheld Copper Wire Stripping Tool:
The copper wire stripping tool is a manual wire stripper. This machine has adjustable clamps which turn aside if there are any instances of the thin and soft sized wire which escape the blades. This device can process and cut differently sized of wire and loop them tightly. This is one of the most recommended wire stripping machines which efficiently and finely strip the wire. That is why this machine is ranked to be number four among the best-selling copper wire strippers.
5.   The STP 1000 # Wire Stripping Machine:
This is one of the most portable and easy to carry wire stripping machine. Its name clearly says about the features and functions of this wire stripping machine. This is one of the hardest machines which ensure that the hard plastic and rubber is perfectly stripped and scrapped from the copper wire. This is the ideal wire stripper due to its portability and compact size. It is easy to carry and easy to use through which you can conveniently stabilize the bench clamp. This machine has short stability which makes it fall in rank number five. Due to its lack of features, it is not highly recommended by the users but its portability adds value to its functionality and features.
What Features Should a Wire Stripping Machine Have?
There are normally three types of wire strippers. There are manual, automatic, and laser strippers. The manual wire stripper needs extra effort to apply for an easy and efficient wire strip. It is generally similar to a pair of scissors or wire cutters. These tools provide slow results are compared to the other two types of wire stripping machines.

Automatic wire strippers are the most efficient stropping devices. They are highly recommended by most of the users due to their efficiency of performance and time-saving benefit. These machines are the best for an investment point of view and to reach the targets within time. These machines are operated with the help of an electric motor and use replaceable blades to operate the machine.

Similarly, the laser wire stripping machine uses a computer-controlled machine just like a CNC router. The laser is used to burn off the plastic insulation from the wire.

How to Crimp Wires

We usually are uncertain about the reliability of an electronic device. We are unsure about its life span or longevity. Even for the manufacturers, this is real stress and a technical part for the manufacturing of an electronic device. They need to make sure that the device is fully functioning without any kind of major or minor halts. Especially when the device is made for the consumers to be purchased for their daily use, this needs to be made sure that the electronic device completes its longevity successfully and makes the customers happy. That is why there is a very important element to be taken care of while manufacturing any electronic device.

What is Crimping?
Crimping is a very important aspect in wiring. It is a necessary process to increase the reliability of electronic devices. That is why there are numerous different sizes and shapes of crimping tools so that they can perfectly crimp the wires of each size in the device. The Terminate Standard is one of the major and common tools for crimping wire. This is one of the easy tasks for manufacturers. They know well know how to crimp wires and use the special crimping tools to perfectly crimp them. There are male and female crimp pins as well through which crimping can efficiently work. For this reason, 22 to 26 gauge wires are required which fit the crimping tools accurately.

Process for Crimping Wires
There is one common step for crimping the wires which are important for all the following processes. This step is to make sure that all the connections of the wires are connected and plugged in properly. This is because the entire crimping process depends on the connections that all the connectors are accurately placed. One single mistake would result in delaying the crimping process. Secondly, it is crucial to know about the quality of the connections, because if the quality is good the crimping will lead to making the electronic device more reliable. Below mentioned are the steps for crimping wires.

1.   Selecting an Appropriate Crimper

·      Buying Ratchet Crimpers:
The ratchet crimpers ensure the durability of the electronics and make them simpler to use. It is the first part of the crimping process that an appropriate crimper is purchased for the best results. So there is a built-in ratchet in the ratchet crimpers which has made the task more convenient. You simply have to apply little pressure on the handles and the rest of the work is performed automatically. The wider and spacious jaws of this crimper enable to cover more area of the connector surface. You can easily buy Ratchet Crimpers from online stores.
·      Manual Crimpers:
You can also go for a manual crimper. It is similar to a Ratchet Crimper but a little effort is required for the results. You need to make sure that the jaws of the crimper are perfectly aligned and in an accurate position so that you can apply pressure on the handles to make it work. Manual crimpers can wear and tear quicker if the jaws are not properly aligned. This also leads to improper crimping.
·      Crimping Die:
All the crimpers come with a die which is a top part of the crimper. This part does the entire crimping. Due to this reason you need to be particular about the size of the die and the gauge wire you have chosen to use. So it's the best way that you choose that die which is appropriate for your gauge wire. The different colored wires indicate the gauge which is the best fit for that wire.

2.   Perfectly Strip the Wire:
The second process is to strip the wire for the crimping die. For this, you need to place 0.64 cm of the wire into the die. Make sure the hole is located in the crimping die for the gauge wire to be inserted. For this purpose, the crimping dies have colored hole to make it convenient for locating the specific colored wire gauge in the correct place.
·      Remove the Insulation:
After this, remove the insulation from the wire so that you can take the bare wire out. This can be done by using the crimping tools to rip the insulation form the wires. Just a little pressure on the handles is required and pulls off the insulation to rip it. The bare wire is supposed to be of the same length of the barrel connector.
If you have a manual crimping tool, you need to pull the insulator perpendicularly making sure that the wire is steadily placed.
·      Twist the Wire Completely:
Now you need to twist the wire completely to make it dense. You need to press the bare wire with your thumb and forefinger and then keep twisting it until it becomes firm and stiff. Make sure that you always twist the tip to make it more compressed. The intense twisting would result in building a strong connection for the process.

3.   Connecting the Wires with the Connector

·      Inserting the Bare Wire in the Barrel:
You have to be cautious while inserting the bare, exposed wire in the barrel connector. Keep the process continued until and unless the barrel is touched with the insulation. The wire should not be extending the barrel more than 0.64 cm.
·      Accurately Place the Barrel in the Crimper:
Place the terminal in a horizontal position in which the barrel side faces upwards and the flat side of the terminal faces downwards. Match its tools from the colors markings of the insulator and pull it perpendicularly with the gauge.
·      Press the Crimper with Force:
For manual crimpers, you need to squeeze the crimper with a force so that the insulation is ripped off. This can be done by placing the terminal perpendicularly over the barrel connector.
·      Make Sure that the Connection is Not Lose:
The connection might get loose if a wire of the wrong size is inserted. It does not give accurate results and the crimping does not work.
·      Properly Seal the Terminal:
Make sure you properly seal the electrical terminal with an electric tape by wrapping it over the bare or exposed wire.

How To Choose The Wire Stripping Machine

Machines are assets which are purchased for investment in the business or personal use. This is because machines bring a greater amount of return and profits. They make the task easy and less time consuming so that time is also invested in other productive activities. That is why we should be very particular and vigilant while choosing machinery or any electronic device. Quality matters a lot. Therefore, for choosing the best machinery suitable for your tasks you need to have some knowledge about it as well. You might get confused if you are a first-timer and as an initial buyer, there are chances of making wrong purchasing decisions.
The best suitable wire stripping machine should also be chosen wisely. You should know about the smart hacks or tips that what important features to look in a wire stripping machine. These small things do matter. They help you to know more about the technicalities. This is because in future you will more aware of any kind of technological advancements made in these machines. For this purpose, there have been some tips and methods discussed which tell how to choose the best wire stripping machine. These hacks also tell that which machine is the best fit for which size of the wire.

Tips to Choose The Best Wire Stripping Machine:
A good machine can make your work easy and in less time. You will be able to perform your tasks in time without getting much exhausted. A good machine will help you to produce more efficiently. For these reasons a good quality machine or tool might be extra-ordinary expensive but it can make huge profits covering the expenses and purchasing costs. Therefore, you should look for the following features while choosing the best wire stripping machine or tool:
1. Low Weight and Compact Size:
Always pick those stripping machines which are lighter in weight and compact in size. These features in the wire stripping machine will help you to insert more copper wires, making the insulator come off completely. They also make sure that there are no remains left while the scrapping of the plastic insulator. These machines are easy to handle and carry as well. They ensure that the user has a firm grip on the handles so that there are fewer chances of any kind of accidents or unnecessary cuts. So, Klein Tools are the best fit for this category. This stripping tool is loin cost but works efficiently. This type of machine helps to get into the tight spaces of the fine wire.
2. Warranty:
The wire stripping machine should have a lifetime warranty. They should be of good quality from a good company. Make sure that whenever you purchase a stripping machine there should be a warranty card given to you. This is because if there is any sort of minor or major issue experienced in the machine then you can easily take the warranty card as proof. This will allow to either exchanging the machine or buying a new one. Otherwise, you will not be able to fix the issue and let your investment in vain.
3. Flexibility and Convenience:
Make sure that the stripping machine you choose is convenient to use and flexible enough in bending the loops. It should be able to crimp the copper wire and remove the plastic insulator much smoothly that the other machines. There should be a proper grip in holding it. for this reason, you should always try a tester machine to understand the technicalities and the best gripping position.
4. Perfect Adjustments of the Screws:
For efficiently stripping the copper wires make sure the screws are fixed tightly and on the correct place. There should be a slide stop so that you can perform the task more efficiently and strip the wires in a bulk quantity. There should be no such material used which can cause rusting in one-time use only. Make sure that the nuts and screws provide sufficient flexibility when moving the handles of the tool or the machine. These screws should be fixed properly so that it does not come out while moving machines.
5. Spring and Non-Spring Versions:
These stripping tools and machines should be available in the spring and non-spring version. This will keep a balance in cutting or stripping the copper wire more efficiently. It prevents from deep scrapping of the insulation. If the plastic insulation is scrapped intensely it might make the wire weak or cut it from the middle. This may lead to wasting the wire and not being able to recycle or reuse it further. The spring and non-spring features also prevent any kind of accident while stripping the wire manually.
6. Should be able to Perform Various Tasks:
The stripping machine should be not only able to only strip the plastic insulator but also cut, crimp, bend and loop all sizes of wires. The machine or tool should be solid enough to handle 12 to 26 AWG wire. It should be strong enough to cut the solid wire easily without applying any extra force or effort. It should be able to manage different sizes of copper wires in bulk quantity to make the entire work efficient and increase the further production process. The blades should be sharp enough to smoothly scrape it without delaying any time.

Some of the Best Wire Stripping Machines:
There are several manuals and automatic wire stripping machines as well which consist of all the above-mentioned tips and qualities. These machines are a bit expensive but they do produce efficient results and good profits. This factor then covers all the major expenses in the future. Some of these best machines are as follows:
·      Klein Tools
·      Irwin Vise-Grip
·      The Strip Meister
These are some of the low budget wire stripping machines which do provide efficient and effective results. They are recommended by most of the manufacturers and dealers. These machines are able to cut, strip, bend and loop several different sizes of wire easily.

How to Use Wire Stripper

The world we live in is a connected and technologically advanced one.
From electricity to communications, and everything in between, wires help in making this connectivity possible, as well as allowing us the privilege of living in this modern era.

And as with everything else in the world, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes. This holds perfectly true when it comes to the modern technological infrastructure, as much as for anything else.
Of the many things that go about behind the scenes with these wires, one of the most common things that happen, is that of the ‘stripping of the wires’, typically done with the help of wire strippers.

To begin with, a wire stripper is used for the purpose of ‘stripping a wire’. This is just another way to say that the protective layer of insulation, usually made of rubber, PVC, plastic or other such non-conducting materials. The exact purpose may be anything from laying a new electric line to routine maintenance and repairs.

Mentioned in the steps below, are the direction to properly use a wire stripper.

1. Figure out the wire that must be stripped
The first step to use the wire stripper, would be with the actual wire itself.
There are a variety of different wires to choose from, ranging from small wires for everyday connections, to thicker ones for large scale connections. While there are several differences between them, one of the most important happens to be that of the thickness of the wires, as well as the insulation around it.
It must be first figured out as to the kind of wire that must be cut, for that would determine other things like the size of the incisions, pressure, etc.

2. Determine the exact location of wire stripping
It must be first decided as to the place where the insulation would be removed on the wire, and only then start using the wire stripper.
Also, one should also check whether the insulation is to be removed from one end or both. New lines will generally require the insulation on both ends to be removed, while routine maintenance will generally need just one.
Once the spot has been decided, it is a good idea to have the same marked with a pen. Then again, this part may be skipped if the stripping of the insulation is only to be done for a certain extent and nothing more.

3. Place the wire at the cutting head of the tool
Having decided where the wire would have to be cut, place the same at the cutting head of the wire stripper.
A wire stripper will have one of two cutting shapes. One will be a flat bladed edge, while the other has a curved groove at the center.
A bladed edge cuts away everything including the wire, meaning that one will have to be careful when actually cutting the wire. Using a wire stripper with the groove will allow for one to cut away the insulation, without damaging the copper inside it.
It is always a good idea to go for a wire stripper that has a hole to allow for the copper wire to be protected, when the insulation is being cut.

4. Apply the right amount of pressure on the wire stripper
Once the wire has been placed at the cutting edge, apply pressure to make incisions into the wire’s insulation.
The exact amount of pressure will vary depending on the thickness of the wire and the material used for the insulation. Smaller wires in general are easily damaged, making it necessary to be gentle with them. Larger power cables on the other hand, have a thick layer of plastic or PVC coating on them, making it necessary to use more pressure to make the right cuts.
You will need to use less pressure in case the wire stripper happens to have a flat edge, as you may end up cutting the copper wire inside it. This is however not a concern in case of tools that have space for the copper inside it.

5. Pull away the insulation
Once the cuts have been made, the insulating surface will be freed from the rest of the wire.
All that has to be done now is to simply ‘slide’ it off the wire and that’s it. Do note that this process can be a challenge unto itself. This is because softer insulation is a lot easier to remove in comparison to the harder ones. The process is generally easy in the case of wires which are manufactured to allow for smooth removal of the insulation. It isn’t much of a problem in a lot of cases, as the insulating layer smoothly ‘slides’ free from the wire.
Also to note is that it may not always be easy to pull away harder insulating materials with a single cut. On the contrary, it may be required that one makes multiple cuts in order to fully remove it from the wire. Should the former be the case, take care that the multiple cuts are done without any harm being caused to the copper wire underneath all that insulating material.

6. Trim away any excess on the wire
This would be the last step in the process of stripping a wire.
Using the cutting head of a wire trimmer, or perhaps a scissor, remove any excess insulation or wire that may be left after the wire was stripped.
Do note that this can be avoided entirely, if the wire is stripped of its insulation in a professional way without leaving any residue behind.

In all, the directions mentioned above give a good idea of how to go about with the wire stripping process.
In addition to this, there may be other strategies and steps as well, depending on the exact wire. Depending on the make, composition of the insulation and other such factors, the exact process will certainly change.
At the same time however, the basics of it all happens to be the same, in almost all cases.

Where Can I Get A Copper Wire Stripping Machine?

When it comes to technology, one of the most important components of all, happens to be that of wires.
In this connected world that we live in, wires are everywhere, from the walls of our homes, to the technology in our smartphones and so on.

There is  lot of work that goes on to maintain this technologically advanced world of ours.
From the simple to the complex, the work that goes into the system helps us to create the modern civilization that we are currently living in.
Of them all, one of the simplest tasks, happens to be the stripping of the wires, removing its insulation, for the purpose of both laying new connections as well as the maintenance of old lines.

There are a variety of ways in which this can be done. Manually, it process can be completed with the help of wire stripper or cutting pliers.
In the case of industrial needs, where there is a need for the mass production, one may require the help of machine based solutions for the same.
For those looking to find an ideal machine to work with, given in the points below are some great places to get a copper wire stripping machine.

1. The Local Hardware Store
This would be the first stop for anyone looking to find a good copper stripping machine.
While most places tend to carry the manual cutting pliers used for everyday use, there are others who do cater to this specific requirement.
Often, it is the large retailers and other such outlets who stock up on such machines. Then again, one could also check with the smaller suppliers, who can get the same as well, depending on the exact requirements.
You will probably have to do a bit of searching before you find the one that you need. This certainly holds true for all of the other points mentioned below as well.

2. Going Online
The internet has become a major boon for trade worldwide, for both business as well as commercial purposes.
There is a massive market today on the internet, where buyers and sellers meet, fuelling a massive online economy. This would be a great place for one to get their hands on one of these machines.
As for the exact place to go online, it can certainly vary. There happens to be a host of different places to check out and work with. These include, among others, search engines, online wholesale portals, industrial portals, social media, individual corporate websites, etc.
An advantage of the internet is that it allows for one to get the wire stripping machines, or for that matter anything else, at a low cost, and with a greater degree of choice than ever before.

3. Referrals
This is another excellent way to find out the best hardware out there, to get the job done.
An ideal source to get the referrals would be the companies that are engaged in electrical work, or something related. This makes them the ideal choice in figuring out a great supplier that can cater to your needs.
Also to add is that even if you aren’t able to get direct information to the people that can help you out, you can always find indirect ones. Maybe it is possible that you will be directed to someone who can help you get connected with someone else that has what you are looking for.
In addition to this, it is also possible to check with one’s current suppliers and clientele as well, which may turn out to point you in the right direction.

4. Industrial Journals
Industrial journals and other trade magazines are a great source of several things; market information, stock prices, emerging trends, market demand, etc.
In addition to these things, there are other things that these publications can also help with, which are in connecting buyers to sellers, on a business to business level.
Called B2B, or business to business, this is a form of economic activity where businesses provide services to other businesses, rather than consumers. In the case of your requirement for a suitable copper wire stripping machine, it is very likely that you can find a great supplier for your needs by going through one of these publications.

5. Custom Designed Machines
This is one of the more expensive and difficult challenges to address, when acquiring a suitable wire stripping machine.
To buy that which is for sale on the market shelf is one thing. It is a completely different thing to go for a machine that has to be custom tailored to your unique requirements.
But nevertheless, such cases can and do exist, and when they do, can prove to be rather tricky. At the same time however, it is not really an impossible task as such.
There are several companies that specialize in the manufacture of custom designed tools and machines. The details of such companies can usually be found in trade journals, online industrial listings and other such places. Then again, references can also be acquired from major manufacturers, who tend to be the clients of such companies. Do note that custom designed machines are usually more expensive, and you will probably need additional aftercare charges to go with it as well.
6. Advertising for a suitable machine
If you still are not able to get what you want, you always have the option for advertising.
It is entirely possible that you haven’t found the ideal person to get the job done in your searches. So instead of searching for them, it is a great idea to let them find you, through advertising.
Whether on social media, industrial journals, newspapers or anything else, an advertisement is a great way to find the ideal wire stripping machine that you are looking for.
Do note that the advertisement services are not always going to be cheap. Depending on the kind of advertisement and the work being put in, you will probably need to spend a good deal of money, from the beginning of advertisement creation to the part where the ads get published, whether online or offline.

Last but not the least, the above mentioned ways are just some of the best ways to get your hands on a suitable piece of hardware.
There are indeed many others as well, with those mentioned being the most common.